We are more than honored to announce that our technology of recycling flexible film has been nominated for The Alliance Prize. Out of more than 600 submissions, Blue Plastics was chosen to be one of the 5 finalists. We had the ability to pitch our technology during the Award Ceremony in New York and we had the chance to meet many inspiring and like-minded innovators.

This nomination is not just an honor, but also a great recognition for all our efforts. It all started in 2016 with our founder Roel Fransen, who had a dream of solving the problem around plastic waste. We still have pictures of him washing plastic in a dishwashing tub, while he was performing one of his first experiments in a small lab. Since that time, we have learned, developed and grown enormously with a fully functioning washing machine for flexible film onside the Brightland Chemelot Campus in Geleen.

Our nominated solution called CleanBlueTech (CBT) is an innovative, solvent-based, closed-loop washing technology that removes smell, glue, print-ink, and organic residues from any plastic flexible film waste. The current used washing techniques in the market wash under high temperatures and use a lot of water. Blue Plastics’ solution is a gamechanger, as it consumes 70% less energy than prime production and no water. The end-product is an odour-free granulate, close to prime (or virgin) material.

This award was the initiative of The Alliance to End Plastic Waste. With this innovation award, Alliance aims to support change by incentivizing transformative solutions that could aid in solving the plastic waste challenge. The winner of this prestigious prize receives 3M$ in aid of further developing their solution. The nominees were selected based upon their technology’s’ impact, feasibility, scalability and innovation. The jury consisted of a panel of pioneers in the sustainability, recycling and innovation sectors.

This nomination proves that we are part of the solution to end plastic waste.

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